Back-to-School Countdown: Only 2 weeks to go. Do these 5 things now.

Friday, August 6, 2021 Back-to-School Countdown: Only 2 weeks to go. Do these 5 things now.

Post-it notes, markers, and pens on a desk. [pexels | photo by frans-van-heerden]

Only two weeks remain until the fall semester begins on August 23, 2021. Here are the things you should be doing this week so you are ready for a strong start to the academic year.

  1. Set up your Handshake account with Career Services to look for a campus job or to prep for the fall career fair.

    Many departments use the online portal for students to quickly apply for jobs and upload their résumé and application materials. Additionally, Handshake is the spot for you to apply for professional career jobs and to prepare for the University Career Fair happening September 21-24, 2021 in the Nebraska Unions.

    New for Fall: Handshake is the site to find volunteer and community service opportunities for yourself and Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs), too. Career Services and Student Leadership, Involvement, & Community Engagement are partnering with local Lincoln service organizations to list opportunities on Handshake, where Huskers can easily search and sign up to help.

  2. Visit HuskerTech to make sure you’re up-to-date on your computer software and hardware.

    Check out their handy online list of the laptop, software, and tablet requirements for select majors and colleges to make sure you know what you may need to start the semester. Software can only be ordered online, yet you can shop for other items in person at the on-campus computer shop in the lower-level of the Nebraska Union. Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday.

  3. Submit your COVID-19 vaccine information to the Voluntary COVID-19 Vaccine Registry.

    If you haven't already completed your upload, now is the time to do so. At most, it will take 3 minutes. By registering your vaccine information, you help our campus better understand the breadth of vaccine rates in our community and assist in planning for the fall semester. You'll also be entered to win a number of prizes. Anyone who registers by August 15 will be eligible for the Grand Prizes, which include five prizes worth one year of resident undergraduate tuition and fees ($9,872).

    Do you want to get a COVID-19 vaccine? Participate in a campus vaccination clinic or use the Vaccine Finder website to find a vaccine location near you.

  4. Sign up for mail forwarding at your local post office or online.

    This is a quick and easy task to check off the list before you move to campus or elsewhere in Lincoln. It only takes a few minutes and will prevent delays in important letters and bills arriving. Here’s a step-by-step guide to signing up.

  5. Get your bicycle in good working order with a tune-up.

    If you plan to use your bike to quickly travel between classes, around downtown, or between City and East Campuses, make sure you keep it in good working order. Contact your local bike shop to schedule a tune-up to check the gears, brakes, chains, wheels and more. If you’re already in Lincoln, the UNL Outdoor Adventures Center’s Bike Shop is open at 14th and W Streets and can perform the tune-ups and repairs you may need.

Want more back-to-school tips to help prepare you for the fall semester?  Check out these six tips from the previous issue of Next@Nebraska.

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