Back-to-School Countdown: Essentials every student should carry in their backpack

Tuesday, August 4, 2020 Back-to-School Countdown: Essentials every student should carry in their backpack

Huskers should carry some essential items in their backpacks.

Here's some essential items to carry each day in your backpack - ensuring you have everything you could possibly need in a pinch without overloading yourself with unnecessary items.

  • Umbrella | No one wants to leave a building only to realize it's unexpectingly pouring rain - and not prepared to handle the situation. Find a small, travel umbrella that fits in the side pocket of your backpack– it won't take up much room and you'll be glad to have it whenever the waether changes.
  • Food | Using your brain all day requires lots of energy, and getting nutrition will improve your focus. Try to carry along a healthy and convenient snack like protein bars, fruit snacks, nuts or trail mix so you aren't starving in between meals.
  • Face covering | It's the new fashion accessory. Due to the times we're in, a face covering is an essential item to always have with you on campus. You need it to be safe indoors and in public spaces. Pick up your university-provided masks if you don't already have a reusable option.
  • Reusable water bottle | Water is an essential to have during the day to stay hydrated and healthy. Get a reusable bottle or tumbler to be sustainable and environment-friendly. Here's a map of all the free water refill stations on campus.
  • NCard | You will use this all the time– at dining halls, the Digital Learning Center (DLC), to enter buildings and more, so don't leave home without it. If you're staying in an on-campus dorm, always bring your room key along as well. If you lose your card, get it replaced at the NCard office in the Nebraska Union.
  • Chargers | Having your laptop die in the middle of a lecture is definitely not ideal. Bring any cord you may need to recharge any electronic you use during school. This can include your phone, laptop, a portable charger or camera batteries, among other devices.
  • Self-defense item | This could be pepper spray, personal alarm, siren or whistle. It's essential to carry something to protect yourself, in case of an emergency. It's better to be prepared in advance than be caught off guard.
  • Planner | While you may have gotten away without a planner in high school, it's a must-have item in college. Planners help you juggle assignments, tests, meetings, appointments, work and study times, so it's essential to carry one with you. There are online options as well, so pick whichever works best for you.
  • Pens and pencils | You still need just a few writing instruments, even if you take mostly online notes. There will be a class or two that don't allow laptops, and you need a pen or pencil to write in your planner too.
  • Regular school supplies | This one is a no-brainer, but it can be a little confusing to know how many supplies you'll need in college. Try a laptop, one 5-subject notebook, and a couple folders to start out. Be sure to bring whichever textbooks you need for the day as well.
  • Tissues | Tissues can be elusive when you really need one, so it's best to have your own small pack of them in your backpack.
  • Earbuds | These are useful for listening to online course materials, drowning out noise in a busy study spot, and to listen to music between classes. You don't want to get caught in the silent library without your earbuds if you need to listen to something on your laptop.
  • Hygiene products | This includes items like lotion, hand sanitizer, chapstick, eyedrops, bandaids and menstrual products. Carry them in small bag to keep them protected and organized in your backpack.
  • Simple medications | You don't need to become a traveling pharmacy, but be prepared with over-the-counter medications like aspirin or ibuprofen in case of allergies or a cold hitting you. You can find these items at the university's pharmacy in the University Health Center or in the Herbie's Market c-stores.
  • Wallet or cash | This is up to your personal preference– you may not want to bring your full wallet to avoid the temptations unnecessary impulse purchases, but it's still a good idea to have about $20 on hand just in case.
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